Ep. 13 Audaciously Committed to Create feat. Zanza Steinberg

Ep. 13 Audaciously Committed to Create feat. Zanza Steinberg

about how Elena Armijo can support you in seeing and using the power that resides within you. What are you committed to? Far too often, we get caught up in how we feel and allow our emotions to color how we live. It’s not that our emotions are...

Learn more here about how Elena Armijo can support you in seeing and using the power that resides within you.

What are you committed to? Far too often, we get caught up in how we feel and allow our emotions to color how we live. It’s not that our emotions are strictly bad. In fact, they serve as “mile markers” that signify where we are and what we might need to change. However, if we allow our emotions to completely control our decisions, then our lives would change with every passing emotion. Instead, we need to determine what we are committed to, despite hardships or our feelings.

In her Weekly Coaching Tip, Elena shares a simple, yet powerful leadership insight from Lebron James that you can use to clarify your emotional state. In her interview, Elena talks with director, choreographer, performer, and artistic director of ALMA NYC, Zanza Steinberg. Whether she’s leading dancers to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, funding scholarships for women to attend college in Africa, or launching her own media company, Media by Z, Zanza puts her heart and soul in all she does. Together, Elena and Zanza discuss the origin of ALMA NYC, the connective power of art, and why everyone should be audacious and reach for the stars.

You don’t want to miss this!

Let’s Get Social!

Want to hear more from Elena? Click here!

Connect with the angelic Zanza Steinberg on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Learn more about ALMA NYC through their website, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Visit Media by Z’s website, Facebook, or Instagram.

Check out Zanza’s dance classes here.

This podcast was produced by the following amazing team:

John Biethan, President of Imagine Podcasting

Sam De Santo, Creative Director

Rye Taylor, Podcast Design Strategist & Producer

Meg McCarley, Brand Designer & Social Media Manager

Raejan Noh, Content Writer

Aaron Boykin, Musician & Artist (Get updates about Aaron’s music via Instagram)

Elena Armijo

Executive & Leadership Coach, PCC
Zanza Steinberg Profile Photo

Zanza Steinberg

Zanza Steinberg is a NYC based Actor, Dancer, Educator and Artistic Director. She has appeared in regional, international, and touring productions, and has trained extensively in Fosse technique. Some of her favorite performance credits include Chicago the Musical (Mona), West Side Story (Graziella), and a featured commercial for V8 Energy. She is the Founding Artistic Director of ALMA NYC, a Not For Profit Artists' Collective, and GIFT, a scholarship program that fights for equality for women to receive an education in Burkina Faso, Africa.

She has worked as an Associate Choreographer to Jim Cooney for The Time Machine at NYMF (Davenport Theatricals), and has choreographed and directed both WHET; An immersive theatrical experience at Norwood Club, and Homage; An ode to Jazz, music and dance at Symphony Space. Zanza has conceived and created many media projects, most notably ‘Rise’ created for the United Nations Sustainability Summit, and ‘Liberi’, in support of March For Our Lives.

Zanza is proud to be a founding teaching artist for TDF, working with young people without access to the arts, and Kaiser’s Room, working with individuals with a cognitive or developmental disability. Most recently, she lectured at Lincoln Center on their segment for Entrepreneurship in the Arts. She is proudly represented by LDC Artist Representation and is committed to creating storytelling work that is accessible for all.