Ep. 16 The Collective Corner feat. Stephanie River and Sebastian Little

Ep. 16 The Collective Corner feat. Stephanie River and Sebastian Little

in seeing and using the power that resides within you. Welcome to a new feature on our podcast called The Collective Corner! As the founder of the C-Suite Collective, I realized that we have SO MUCH gold on our platform and we want to share it with...

Learn more about how Elena Armijo can support you in seeing and using the power that resides within you.

Welcome to a new feature on our podcast called The Collective Corner! As the founder of the C-Suite Collective, I realized that we have SO MUCH gold on our platform and we want to share it with the world. Twice a month, we will be bringing you a conversation around leadership from the viewpoint of coaches, specifically the ones on our team, to amplify the conversations we are having with clients around the world.

For the first The Collective Corner, we have fantastic coaches Stephanie River and Sebastian Little. Stephanie is all about helping high-performers lay down their armor and tap into their vulnerability, so they can live and work courageously. Sebastian’s focus is on causing disruption by helping others dive into the mess, so they can optimize culture, close performance gaps, and unlock leadership potential.

Together, they talk about the power of being in the mess of life to achieve more and the importance of vulnerability in order to create belonging. Through experiences with their clients, they share insight on how you can create deeper connections within your organization, and how you can enhance your leadership through relationships and authentic communication. As Sebastian powerfully said, “When we can recognize the superpowers in ourselves and in other people, we elevate everybody together.”

Additionally, Stephanie and Sebastian highlight the 75 Slow Challenge, a 75-day program they created to help you go farther and move faster by slowing down. Too often, as Stephanie notes, “People move fast to avoid the mess.” Through their program, they hope to help people slow down, embrace the mess, and move forward in authenticity.

You’ll definitely enjoy our new segment, The Collective Corner!

Let’s Get Social!

Want to hear more from Elena? Click here!

Connect with Stephanie River on her website, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Meet Sebastian Little on his website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Sign up for the 75 Slow Challenge for free!

This podcast was produced by the following amazing team:

John Biethan, President of Imagine Podcasting

Sam De Santo, Creative Director

Rye Taylor, Podcast Design Strategist & Producer

Meg McCarley, Brand Designer & Social Media Manager

Raejan Noh, Content Writer

Aaron Boykin, Musician & Artist (Get updates about Aaron’s music via Instagram)

Elena Armijo

Executive & Leadership Coach, PCC
Stephanie River Profile Photo

Stephanie River


Stephanie River is an executive life and leadership coach, public speaker, and Certified Dare to Lead ™ Facilitator. Partnership with Stephanie is designed for high-performing entrepreneurs, business leaders, and teams looking to live and work courageously. As Dr. Brené Brown’s research states “who you are is how you lead” the work you will take on with Stephanie will dig into who you are, what matters to you, and how you integrate that into your success. Results include a greater level of professional contribution, achievement, fulfillment, and personal freedom. Her emphasis is on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and facilitating powerful conversations to shift the internal and external dialogue that contributes to a disempowered work environment, stagnant relationships, and results. These foundational shifts allow individuals and teams to transform the way they communicate, work, and produce results. Stephanie specializes in intimate team settings where personal and professional lives often impact the work environment. She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, and workshop facilitator for business leaders, and organizations addressing topics of authentic leadership, avoiding burnout, meaningful goal setting, and transforming team cultures. Her aim as a Certified Dare to Lead ™ Facilitator is to educate and provide teams with the language, skills, and boldness to transform teams, businesses, and lives.

Sebastian Little Profile Photo

Sebastian Little


Sebastian Little operates his own coaching and consulting practice partnering with high-performing leaders and teams to optimize culture, close performance gaps, and unlock leadership potential.

Sebastian worked as a consultant at the McChrystal Group, a management consulting and leadership development firm in Washington, D.C., founded by retired 4-star general Stan McChrystal. He is a graduate of Yale University and former varsity football athlete. During his Yale tenure, he partnered with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence as both a student and an intern, creating a curriculum on emotionally intelligent leadership. He received his PCC credential through the International Coaching Federation and his ACCC professional coach certification through the Accomplishment Coaching training program.