Ep. 18 Creating a Culture of Love feat. Bebuo Ewa and Hillary Hittner

Ep. 18 Creating a Culture of Love feat. Bebuo Ewa and Hillary Hittner

in seeing and using the power that resides within you. On the second segment of The Collective Corner, Elena Armijo is joined by the beautiful Bebuo Ewa and Hillary Hittner. Bebuo’s name means “persevere,” which is exactly what she has done and...

Learn more about how Elena Armijo can support you in seeing and using the power that resides within you.

On the second segment of The Collective Corner, Elena Armijo is joined by the beautiful Bebuo Ewa and Hillary Hittner. Bebuo’s name means “persevere,” which is exactly what she has done and what she is passionate about helping others do by engaging in transformational leadership. Hillary is an inclusive leader who is committed to creating an empathetic space so that everyone can be courageous and own their leadership.

These ladies cover topics like DEI and vulnerability, offer insights on how you can engage in self-care when faced with hard conversations, and share the ways they have walked their clients through conflict, in order to avoid burnout. According to Bebuo, love is the best way to avoid burnout: “I bring a ton of love as a defense mechanism to compensate for all of the experienced anger and hate that comes towards me.”

Bebuo is eager to launch her new 5-month program, the Executive Playground Experience, which encapsulates her approach to hard conversations. Through her program, she will offer leadership coaching, group coaching, DEIB work, and a special wellness weekend.

As Hillary explains, her own passion to help others has been burning for as long as she can remember: “I was always looking for the person who was maybe not inside the group and how to bring them into the group. So I was always looking to see who might be, for lack of a better word… the underdog, or the person who might not be getting the spotlight, who might not see their own greatness.” Now, she is launching a new round of her Inclusive Leadership Mastermind for women, which will cover aspects of race, inclusive leadership, and more.

You can learn more in the latest segment of The Collective Corner!

Let’s Get Social!

Want to hear more from Elena? Click here!

Connect with the Bebuo Ewa on her website, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Meet Hillary Hittner on her website, or on Instagram.

Learn more about Bebuo’s Executive Leadership Playground.

Check out Hillary’s Inclusive Leadership Mastermind.

This podcast was produced by the following amazing team:

John Biethan, President of Imagine Podcasting

Sam De Santo, Creative Director

Rye Taylor, Podcast Design Strategist & Producer

Alan Meaney, Audio Engineer

Meg McCarley, Brand Designer & Social Media Manager

Raejan Noh, Content Writer

Aaron Boykin, Musician & Artist (Get updates about Aaron’s music via Instagram)

Elena Armijo

Executive & Leadership Coach, PCC
Bebuo Ewa Profile Photo

Bebuo Ewa


Bebuo Christianne Ewa’s assessment and behavioral skills, growth and management experience, and accountability methods make her well-rounded and powerful support for executives who find themselves burned out or in need of new creative ways to think, lead or live powerfully. Bebuo is most known for her ability to deliver painful feedback in the most productive but humorous ways. Bebuo partners with clients to identify more impactful leadership skills that transition into higher revenue, increased retention rates, and higher rewards. These skills enhance the client’s leadership style and are also transformative and supportive for direct reports, peers, and the organization as a whole. Bebuo’s had the privilege to coach executive leaders across diverse industries, including large organizations like Google and Spotify, government officials, executives in music, finance, and more. As a result, her clients are as diverse as her background and reflect her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in partnerships.

Hillary Hittner Profile Photo

Hillary Hittner


Hillary is a certified professional coach who partners with leaders and companies to support them through organizational and individual growth, with a particular focus on working parents looking to create harmony at work and home. Hillary is known for her willingness to sit with the discomfort and see what's on the other side. With a commitment to authenticity and curiosity, Hillary creates and holds spaces for people to build deep self-awareness and find the courage to create the life, work, and relationships they want. Working with organizations, Hillary helps identify what's happening under the surface and builds trust and accountability to make their vision a reality. She invites teams into a new conversation, where they can let go of old winning strategies and co-create new ones. Her background spans the corporate, freelance, and non-profit worlds — and with over a decade of experience as a theater director, producer, and DONA-trained doula, Hillary infuses every conversation with a distinct combination of creativity, sensitivity, and fearlessness. She is dedicated to anti-racism work and breaking down barriers to justice, equity and inclusion. Hillary is based in New York and works with clients all over the globe.