Elena Armijo is on a mission to equip and empower successful leaders with the holistic coaching they need to maximize their full potential and create the impact they desire.

With over 25 years of experience, Elena is the only holistic leadership coach certified in multiple areas (including Brene Brown) and is leading with soul, creativity, and an extraordinary gift of vision and intuition. With an emphasis on self-awareness and being overdoing, she’s shaking up the industry one coaching session at a time, continuously expanding her education and bringing the freshest strategies to professionals worldwide.

About The Podcast

The Collective Corner…with Elena Armijo.
The Lighter Side of _______.

Now is the time to stop sitting, stop waiting, and start listening.  DARE to go after what matters most.  Spend an hour with Elena and buckle up for some badass conversation, compassionate listening, and a solid connection that will challenge, inspire and empower you.

Successful leaders know that unleashing the authentic power inside of them does not come easily.  It doesn’t take knowledge, intellect or even experience to make it happen.  It takes ingenuity.  Innovative ideas.  Reframing.  And it’s built from the ground up through awareness, authenticity and collaboration with a trusted partner.  

Elena Armijo is that trusted partner.  She is a creative, intuitive communicator, and helps clients find, build and expand the use of their authentic voice - and then - she helps them unleash these voices into the world, and disrupt it.  

As an extension of her brand and practice, The Collective Corner…with Elena Armijo offers a little piece of Elena to those who want to listen in (and participate in) contagious change.  

It’s about creating authentic conversations in Leadership.  Amplifying women’s voices.  Reaching more people.  It’s about being of service, offering something of value and putting something good out into the world.

The vibe and feel of the podcast will be purposely playful and will reinforce the boutique/luxury/fun brand she has built.  Its design will be intimate & conversational, not like an interview.  Guests won’t be interrupted, and the rhythm of their speech will be respected.  

Everyone has a gift worth sharing, and because of that, the podcast will be a gift worth enjoying and sharing too.

Download the document here.