Dr. Lauren Borden

Dr. Lauren Borden Profile Photo

Dr. Lauren Borden, PhD specializes in the emotional and spiritual aspects of leadership and self-empowerment. As a coach, her signature style blends deep spiritual and healing aspects of coaching with corporate and application-based approaches. The bridge between the spiritual and the practical are a theme throughout her work– as a PhD in Industrial-Organizational psychology, she has deep subject-matter expertise in research-based principles to support leaders and teams in reaching the next level; and as a meditation and intuition teacher, she supports her clients in doing the deep work to create lasting transformation, empowerment, and impact. With 10+ years of experience in leadership development, she has a track record of success in supporting mission-driven leaders in tapping into the wisdom of their emotions, intuition, and authentic leadership styles to create cultural shifts, deeper impact, and greater fulfillment.

In addition to her one-on-one coaching private practice, she specializes in corporate mindfulness, executive assessment, and creating inclusive and psychologically safe cultures through feedback, emotional awareness, and relationships. She has had the privilege of coaching and training professionals within Fortune 10 companies across technology, retail, medical, and finance industries to help them use organizational psychology to develop strategy and strengthen their workforce. She has authored numerous publications and conference presentations exploring leadership development, humility, mindfulness and meditation, feedback, and burnout, including articles and chapters in The Journal of Business Psychology, Teaching Psychology, The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace, and The Handbook of industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology. On a personal level, Lauren is a writer and creative, avid practitioner of Vipassana meditation, animal lover, fan of Glennon Doyle and Brene Brown, and US Women’s Soccer fan.

Nov. 29, 2022

Ep. 35 The Beauty of Being a Highly Sensitive Person feat. Lauren Bor…

Can you be a strong leader and feel deeply? In this episode, Elena and her guest, Lauren Borden, discuss the leadership strengths of HSPs, the benefits of emotional awareness, and more! to learn more about how she can support you …

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